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Blanch Full-time Spanish translator

Translation Overview

Full-time translator since 2001. I take great pride in my work and can proudly say that in these six years I have never missed a deadline nor had any work whatsoever rejected. What's more, I have never had a single client complaint. This doesn't mean I can handle absolutely any job, but it does mean I never take on any work I am unable to handle. Therefore, your only concern should be whether or not I accept your assignment.


Prior professional experience

Cooperation and Development:
I worked for 3 years in a Spanish humanitarian aid organisation, primarily in Communications, Fundraising, Event Organization and Supporter Coordination.

Financial Markets:
For 13 years I worked for two of Spain's leading money market brokers, specialising in overseas link roles including managerial responsibilities in the areas of Currency Deposits and Foreign Exchange.

In addition, I am a qualified teacher of English as a Second Language for Adults (Cambridge CELTA certificate).

翻译语种 更多>>
英语翻译 德语翻译 法语翻译
俄语翻译 日语翻译 韩语翻译
西班牙语 葡萄牙语 荷兰语翻译
乌克兰语 意大利语 波兰语翻译
丹麦语翻译 希腊语翻译 泰语翻译
瑞典语翻译 越南语翻译 阿拉伯语
专业范围 更多>>
· 安全环保 · 能源电力 · 银行保险
· 法律翻译 · 天文地理 · 钢铁冶金
· 航空航天 · 道路桥梁 · 地质采矿
· 建筑工程 · 金融财会 · 经济管理
· 交通运输 · 仪器仪表 · 医疗器械
· 医药卫生 · 石油化工 · 机械电子
译者 更多>>
· 法语翻译 赵女士 汽车及零...
· 翻译翻译 郝女士 上海航...
· 法语翻译 张女士 石油、...
· 法语翻译 杨先生 酒店、旅...
· 法语翻译 张先生 上海电子...
上海漕溪北路38号20G 电话:021-31200158 shkehu@263.net,QQ:390645976
北京海淀区太阳园4号楼1507室 电话:010-82115891 82115892 bjhyw@263.net QQ:800022641
太原市万柏林区迎泽西大街奥林匹克花园7D202 电话:15034183909 Email:tykehu@163.com