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Rebecca Spanish-to-English freelance translator

Native American Spanish-to-English freelance translator with 25 years experience translating legal and commercial texts.

Academic Credentials:

--Doctorate in Humanities ("Doctorado en Humanidades"), Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

--Ph.D. in Spanish Language and Literature, Michigan State University

--M.A. in Spanish Language and Literature, New York University

--B.A. in Spanish Language and Literature, Stetson University, DeLand, Florida.

Experience as a Legal/Business Translator:

As a freelance translator, previous translations include academic articles for professors of law at the three major Madrid universities (Complutense, Autónoma, Carlos III), as well as translations for the Constitutional Court of Spain, Center for Constitutional Studies, the Spanish Ministry of Justice, Uría Menéndez Abogados, Pedro Alemán Abogados, World Bank, Grupo Prisa, and Fundación Cultura de Paz, among others.

The areas of law covered in the texts translated include articles on constitutional law, philosophy of law, law and economics, Spanish regional (autonomous community) law, European Community law, human rights, organization of the judiciary, parliamentary control, legislative drafting, the legal implications of ethnic plurality, and political parties and electoral campaign financing. Many of these translations have appeared in professional journals or have been published by international entities including the Council of Europe (Strasbourg), University of Rome II (Italy), University of California Press (Berkeley), Michigan State University Press (East Lansing), Duke University Press (North Carolina), Nomos Verlaggeschellschaft (Baden-Baden), Academy of European Law-European University (Fiesoli, Italy), Oxford University Press (London), Kluwer Law International (Netherlands) and Cardozo Law Review (Yeshiva University, New York).

1997-2001: In-house English language translator for Elzaburu, S.A., Spain's largest intellectual property law firm, in charge of translating legal documents such as briefs filed at the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (OEPM) and the European Community Trademark Office (OHIM), decisions issued by those entities and judgments rendered by the Spanish courts in the prosecution of trademark applications, oppositions, and contentious-administrative and cassation appeal proceedings. Also, translation of notarial warning letters, contracts, co-existence agreements, rogatory letters, commercial reports, private investigators' reports and general correspondence with clients.

1983-1996: In-house translator for the Spanish affiliate of the U.S. multinational International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc., in charge of preparing and translating market studies, client presentations, technical briefings for perfumers, quarterly sales forecasts, annual budgets and similar documents.
翻译语种 更多>>
英语翻译 德语翻译 法语翻译
俄语翻译 日语翻译 韩语翻译
西班牙语 葡萄牙语 荷兰语翻译
乌克兰语 意大利语 波兰语翻译
丹麦语翻译 希腊语翻译 泰语翻译
瑞典语翻译 越南语翻译 阿拉伯语
专业范围 更多>>
· 安全环保 · 能源电力 · 银行保险
· 法律翻译 · 天文地理 · 钢铁冶金
· 航空航天 · 道路桥梁 · 地质采矿
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· 交通运输 · 仪器仪表 · 医疗器械
· 医药卫生 · 石油化工 · 机械电子
译者 更多>>
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· 法语翻译 张女士 石油、...
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· 法语翻译 张先生 上海电子...
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